Al Badar Mosque in Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Project Completed

Al Badr mosque based in Rawalpindi which is in Pakistan was in need of 15,000 bricks so that it could complete the upper portion to meet the needs of local worshippers. The funded bricks provided worshippers enough space for people to attend the mosque.
It is a blessed feeling when attending the mosque regularly to pray, donations towards building the house of Allah will give others the opportunity to feel the same experience within their community. Building the house of Allah you get immense reward. Investing in a cause such as this is a permanent investment in your aakhira. May almighty Allah accept our sadaqaah and may Allah provide us to give much much more.
Donate your Sadaqah to help us build houses of Allah
In houses [i.e., mosques] which Allah has ordered to be raised and that His name be mentioned therein….. The Quran 24:36